Mr. Alfred A. Stadnicki (Antonelli, Terry, Stout & Kraus, LLP) will present a licensing seminar.
Date: April 18, 2003 from 6:00pm to 9:00pm
Place: Japan Patent Attorneys Building
Contents: License lecture, Workshop, and Discussion
The lecture covers:
(1) the scope of the license, (2) the fees and royalties, (3) the definition of "sale", (4) the license term, (5) the termination rights, (6) the licensor/licensee indemnities, disclaimers, and warranties, (7) the licensee's right to transfer the license, (8) the licensee's right to promotional/experimental use, (9) the licensee reporting and auditing, (10) the rights in improvements, and (11) obligations to enforce the licensed patent.
* Reservation is required.
Please send e-mail to to.aikawa@nifty.com