Suppose you are asked to advise the IP people in the Japanese corporation about preparation for
US Patent Rule Changes in 2007.
The attendees will discuss what is the best to their own knowledge and wisdom.
The introductory talk will be made by an IP person in a large corporation.
The IP person will address to the following.
(1) Keys in CFR changes
--- Chronological Comparisons between the current and the proposed rules ---
(2) Preparation for the proposed rules
--- Proposed preparation of the IP person and ideas of the attendees
(3) Outline of Proposed IDS
--- Chronological Comparisons between the current and the proposed rules ---
The discussion was made in the mixture of English and Japanese.
Mr. Aikawa at
Orion International Patent Office
served as a modelator and translator.
However, all the attendees helped themselves for mutual understanding.
At: Antonelli, Terry, Stout & Kraus, LLP
Members of US Patent Study Group
were encouraged to attend the seminar.
DATE: From 6:30pm to 8:30 pm on November 16, 2006
Venue: Benrishi KaikanBasement #9 Conference Room
Thank you for the active discussion.