Indian Patent System

--- What is Happening Now in the Emerging Country ---

India is one of the major emerging countries in the world. Not only textile industry but also modern automobile industry are now rising in this country. Due to the domestic English education, the country has a tremendous advantage in the software business. As is often the case with the patent protection, it is important to obtain the patent protection in the country where many exporting products are made. Therefore, American companies file the highest number of Indian applications in India and Indian companies are in the second, German companies are in the third, then Japanese companies are in the fourth rank as you may find in the following graph ( ). In the seminar, which Japanese company has filed the most patent applications in India such that you can measure how important the Indian market is.
In the seminar, the patent system in India will be first explained briefly (general flow chart will be included in the handout) and differences from the Japanese patent system and the US patent system are examined. Therefore, we may find the best way to utilize opportunities to obtain the Indian patents.
Then, the lecture may go to the criteria of the inventive step. Since the US criteria come close to the European or Japanese way of thinking, we may check it out in the India system. The Indian way of thinking may stimulate the audience insight such that a good way to persuade the Japanese or US Examiner may come across.
Firm: Kan and Krishme

DATE: February 25, 2009 (Wed) from 18:30 to 20:30
Venue: JPAA next to JPO 3F, Conference 1

Sponsor: Oriono International Patent Office - Ikebukuro
Thank you for coming to the seminar. Please contact Mr. Aikawa for questions.

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