Recent Trend of Examination of Computer-Related Invention at USPTO and CAFC

--- Examination Guideline and i4i Case ----      

After In re Bilski, the USPTO published an examination guidelines of computer-related invention. Mr. Yoshida will address the actual practice about the prosecution of software invention. If Bilski decision is held in March, he may address it in the lecture.
The lecture will be given in Japanese such that Japanese native may understand it more easily.

Lecturer: Mr. Ken I. Yoshida, Esq.
Firm: Knoble Yoshida & Dunleavy, LLC

Sponsor: Orion International Patent Office - Ikebukuro
The lecture will be free, but reservation is required. Please contact Mr. Aikawa.

DATE: April 21, 2010 (Wed) 18:30〜20:30am
Venue: JPAA next to JPO3F, Conference Room


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